Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Invalid Object Name Error in MS Sql Server 2012

Recently when I was working with SQL Server 2012, I had created a very simple stored procedure query to INSERT data onto my table.

See the example:  

I am inserting row in table Mixed_Jewellery_Detail, but this was popping up me the following error of Invalid object name , see the image:  

So the reason was because my database had two schemas , one is default (dbo) and another was my own (user defined like jewellery here) see the image of schemas:

As my target table had the user defined schema so as the Stored Procedure was demanding the same.

If you are writing a table name in STP like this: Mixed_Jewellery_Detail , it will be assigned a default schema automatically like dbo.Mixed_Jewellery_Detail.

so I changed it to jewellery.Mixed_Jewellery_Detail , .............and hurrey !!!!
It worked guys !!!